NetCloud Server Management

NetCloud Server Management portal is used to keep a record of all the cloud servers assigned to different teams and their respective owners. Through this portal we keep track of the server names, server IPs, the team which it is assigned to and the project it is used for. We also keep track of the server types like CCs, VPs and VMs, their respective vendors and the server locations.

How to Access the NetCloud Server Management

  1. Go to Configuration option > Advanced > Netcloud Server Management.
Figure 27: Netcloud Server Management

2. On clicking the Netcloud Server Management option, the NetCloud server management window is displayed.

Figure 28: NetCloud Server Management Window

3. In the NetCloud Server Management window, there are following tiles which are listed below:

  • Total Servers
  • Load Generators
  • Controllers
  • Sum of Blades

Total Servers

  1. The total servers consist of all the list of the servers which are present on the portal.
Figure 29: Total Server Window

2. In the Total Server Window, there are following fields which are listed below:

  • Name: Shows the name of the servers.
  • IP: The IP address of the server.
  • Vendor: The vendor name/Datacenter name in which the server is kept.
  • Location: The location of the Datacenter in which the server is kept.
  • State: The state name in which the Datacenter is present and the server is kept.
  • Country: The country name in which the Datacenter is present and the server is kept.
  • Zone: The zone/region of the Datacenter in which the server is kept.
  • CPU: The number of CPU cores present in the server.
  • RAM: The amount of RAM in GB present in the server.
  • Total Disk (GB): The total disk space of the server.
  • Avail Disk Root (GB): The available disk space in root partition of the server.
  • Avail Disk Home (GB): The available disk space in the home partition of the server.
  • Kernel: This field shows the kernel details of the server.
  • Refresh At: The last refreshed data time of the server details.
  • Security Group: The security group (firewall group) which is assigned to the machine.
  • Open Ports: Shows the ports which are currently opened for the server.
  • Model: Shows the CPU model of the server.
  • Frequency: The CPU clock frequency of the server.
  • Rating: Shows the benchmark score of the server based on CPU core and RAM.

Note: A user can also perform the following operations in the Total Server Window such as:

  1. Toggle Columns: In this option, the user can enable or disable the column filter.
  2. Column Filter:
  3. Download: This option is used to download the total servers report in the following formats – CSV, Excel, PDF.

Load Generators

  1. The load generator consists of the total number of generators listed on the portal.
Figure 30: Load Generator Window

2. In the Load Generator Window, there are following fields which are listed below:

  • Name: This field shows the name of the servers.
  • IP: This field shows the IP address of the server.
  • Blade: This field shows the name of the blade on which the generator is running.
  • Uversion: This field shows the version of the Ubuntu machine used.
  • Machine: This field shows the machine type which is being used.
  • State: The state name in which the Datacenter is present and the server is kept.
  • Team: The name of the team which is using the generator.
  • Channel: The sub-project(s) of a project.
  • Owner: Shows the name of the owner for the particular generator.
  • Allocation: Displays the status for the generator i.e.: Free or Dedicated.
  • Build: Displays the build version of the machine used.
  • Upgrade Date: The date and time at which the generator was last upgraded.
  • Refresh At: The last refreshed data time of the server details.
  • Bandwidth: The total bandwidth which are being allocated for the server by the vendor.

Note: A user can also perform the following operations in the Load Generator Window such as:

  1. Toggle Columns: In this option, the user can enable or disable the column filter.
  2. Column Filter:
  3. Download: This option is used to download the total servers report in the following formats – CSV, Excel, PDF.


  1. The controllers consists of the total number of controllers which are present on the portal.
Figure 31: Controllers Window
  1. In Controllers Window, there are following fields which are listed below:
  • Name: The name of the servers.
  • IP: Shows the IP address of the server.
  • Blade: The name of the blade on which the generator is running.
  • Uversion: The version of the Ubuntu machine used.
  • Machine: The machine type which is being used.
  • Status: The state name in which the Datacenter is present and the server is kept.
  • Team: The name of the team which is using the generator.
  • Channel: Channel shows the sub-project(s) of a project.
  • Owner: The name of the owner for the particular generator.
  • Allocation: Displays the status for the generator i.e.: Free or Dedicated.
  • Build: Displays the build version of the machine used.
  • Upgrade Date: The date and time at which the generator was last upgraded.
  • Refresh At: The last refreshed data time of the server details.
  • Bandwidth: The total bandwidth which are being allocated for the server by the vendor.

Note: A user can also perform the following operations in the Controllers Window such as:

  1. Toggle Columns: In this option, the user can enable or disable the column filter.
  2. Column Filter:
  3. Download: This option is used to download the total servers report in the following formats – CSV, Excel, PDF.

Sum of Blades

The sum of blades consists of a list of a total number of blades present in all the servers which are listed on the portal. It consists of the list of the number of teams which are using these servers like: QA, DEV and Production for controller, list of number of controllers.

In the Sum of Blades window, there are following fields which are listed below:

  • Name: Shows the name of the servers.
  • IP: Shows the IP address of the server.
  • Blade: The name of the blade on which the generator is running.
  • Uversion: The version of the Ubuntu machine used.
  • Machine: The machine type which is being used.
  • Status: The state name in which the Datacenter is present and the server is kept.
  • Team: The name of the team which is using the generator.
  • Channel: Shows the sub-project(s) of a project.
  • Owner: The name of the owner for the particular generator.
  • Allocation: Displays the status for the generator i.e.: Free or Dedicated.
  • Build: Displays the build version of the machine used.
  • Upgrade Date: The date and time at which the generator was last upgraded.
  • Refresh At: The last refreshed data time of the server details.
  • Bandwidth: The total bandwidth which are being allocated for the server by the vendor.

Note: A user can also perform the following operations in the Sum of Blades Window such as:

  1. Toggle Column: In this option, the user can enable or disable the column filter.
  2. Column Filter: In this option, the user can search a particular column.
  3. Download: This option is used to download the total servers report in the following formats – CSV, Excel, PDF.



The controllers consist of the total number of controllers which are present on the portal.

Figure 33: Controllers

It consists of the following fields:

  • Name: Shows the name of the server.
  • IP: Shows the IP address of the server.
  • Blade: Name of the blade on which the generator is running
  • Team: Name of the team using the generator.
  • Project: It is the name of the project.


Note: A user can also perform the following operations in the Controller Window such as:

  1. Toggle Columns: In this option, the user can enable or disable the column filter.
  2. Column Filter: In this option, the user can search a particular column.
  3. Download: This option is used to download the total servers report in the following formats – CSV, Excel, PDF.


Teams consist of the total number of teams which are present on the portal.

Figure 34: Teams

It consists of the following fields:

  • Team: Name of the team using the server.
  • Controller: This field shows the number of controllers assigned to the respective team.
  • Generator: This field shows the number of generators assigned to the respective team.
  • NetStorm: This field shows the number of NetStorm type servers assigned to the respective team.
  • NetOcean: This field shows the number of NetOcean type servers assigned to the respective team.
  • Total: This field shows the total number of servers assigned to the respective team.

Left Panel

Left Pane consists of following options:

  • Dashboard
  • Server
  • Master Blade
  • Master Servers
  • Vendor
  • Manage
  • Server
  • Vendor
  • Location
  • Teams
Figure 35: Left Pane



In Server, it shows the lists of servers which are present.

Master Blade

These are the total number of blades present in a machine.

Figure 36: Master Blade
Figure 37: Blades Window

In the Blades window, there are following fields which are listed below:

  • Name: Shows the name of the servers.
  • IP: Shows the IP address of the server.
  • Blade: The name of the blade on which the generator is running.
  • Uversion: The version of the Ubuntu machine used.
  • Machine: The machine type which is being used.
  • Status: The state name in which the Datacenter is present and the server is kept.
  • Team: The name of the team which is using the generator.
  • Channel: Shows the sub-project(s) of a project.
  • Owner: The name of the owner for the particular generator.
  • Allocation: Displays the status for the generator i.e.: Free or Dedicated.
  • Build: Displays the build version of the machine used.
  • Upgrade Date: The date and time at which the generator was last upgraded.
  • Refresh At: The last refreshed data time of the server details.
  • Bandwidth: The total bandwidth which are being allocated for the server by the vendor.

Note: A user can also perform the following operations in the Blades Window such as:

  1. Toggle Columns: In this option, the user can enable or disable the column filter.
  2. Column Filter: In this option, the user can search a particular column.
  3. Download: This option is used to download the total servers report in the following formats – CSV, Excel, PDF.

Master Servers

These are the total number of servers present in a machine.

Figure 38: Master Server
Figure 39: Total Servers Window

In the Blades window, there are following fields which are listed below:

  • Name: Shows the name of the servers.
  • IP: Shows the IP address of the servers.
  • Vendor: Shows the name of the vendor who is using the server.
  • Location: Shows the location from which the server is being used.
  • State: Shows the state name in which the Datacenter is present and the server is kept.
  • Country: The country name in which the Datacenter is present and the server is kept.
  • Zone: The zone/region of the Datacenter in which the server is kept.
  • CPU: The number of CPU cores present in the server.
  • RAM: The amount of RAM in GB present in the server.
  • Total Disk(GB): The total disk space of the server.
  • Avail Disk Root(GB): The available disk space in root partition of the server.
  • Avail Disk Home(GB): The available disk space in the home partition of the server.
  • Kernal: This field shows the kernel details of the server.
  • Refresh At: The last refreshed data time of the server details.
  • Security Group: The security group (firewall group) which is assigned to the machine.
  • Open Ports: Shows the ports which are currently opened for the server.
  • Model: Shows the CPU model of the server.
  • Frequency: The CPU clock frequency of the server.
  • Rating: Shows the benchmark score of the server based on CPU core and RAM.


Note: A user can also perform the following operations in the Blades Window such as:

  1. Toggle Columns: In this option, the user can enable or disable the column filter.
  2. Column Filter: In this option, the user can search a particular column.
  3. Download: This option is used to download the total servers report in the following formats – CSV, Excel, PDF.



In projects, it shows the sub team name.

Figure 40: Projects
Figure 41: Projects Window

In the Projects window, there are following fields which are listed below:

  • Team: The name of the team which is using the generator.
  • Project: It is the name of the project.
  • Owner: The name of the owner for the particular generator.
  • Blades Count: This field shows the total number of the blades on which the generator is running.

Note: A user can also perform the following operations in the Projects Window such as:

  1. Toggle Columns: In this option, the user can enable or disable the column filter.
  2. Column Filter: In this option, the user can search a particular column.
  3. Download: This option is used to download the total servers report in the following formats – CSV, Excel, PDF.


In Vendor, it shows the name of the data center where the servers are kept.

Figure 42: Vendor
Figure 43: Vendor Window

In the Vendor window, there are following fields which are listed below:

  • Vendor Name: This field shows the name of the vendor who are using the servers.
  • Servers Count: This field shows the total number of servers which are used by the servers.

Note: A user can also perform the following operations in the Vendors Window such as:

  1. Toggle Columns: In this option, the user can enable or disable the column filter.
  2. Column Filter: In this option, the user can search a particular column.
  3. Download: This option is used to download the total servers report in the following formats – CSV, Excel, PDF.


In manage, user can edit the details such as: Add or Remove a server, vendor, location and teams.

Figure 44: Manage

In Manage, there are following options which are listed below:

  • Server
  • Vendor
  • Location
  • Teams
Figure 45: Manage Options

Note: A user can also perform the following operations in the Manage Window such as:

  1. Toggle Columns: In this option, the user can enable or disable the column filter.
  2. Column Filter: In this option, the user can search a particular column.
  3. Download: This option is used to download the total servers report in the following formats – CSV, Excel, PDF.
  4. Delete: This option is used to delete a table entry.


In Servers, it shows the list of the servers according to the blades.

Figure 46: Servers
Figure 47: List of Servers according to Blades

In Servers, there are following options which are listed below:

  • Name: Shows the name of the servers.
  • IP: Shows the IP address of the server.
  • Blade: The name of the blade on which the generator is running.
  • Build: The name of the blade on which the generator is running.
  • Team: The name of the team which is using the generator.
  • Channel: Shows the sub-project(s) of a project.
  • Allocation: Displays the status for the generator i.e.: Free or Dedicated.
  • Machine Type: The machine type which is being used.
  • Refresh At: The last refreshed data time of the server details.

User can also perform the following operations which are listed below:

  • ADD NEW: This option is used for adding a new server. If a user clicks on the ADD NEW button, then the ADD Dialog box will appear as shown below:
Figure 48: Add Dialog Box

In the ADD window, the user has to provide the following details:

  • Server: In this field, the user has to provide the name of the server.
  • IP: In this field, the user has to provide the IP of the server.
  • Vendor: In this field, the user has to select the vendors name.
  • Server Type: In this field, the user has to select the type of server to be used.
  • Country: In this field, the user has to select the name of the country to which the server is to be added.
  • State: In this field, the user has to select the name of the state to which the server is to be added.
  • Location: In this field, the user has to select the location to which the server is to be added.

Note: Once the user has filled up all the fields, the user has to click on the Submit  button to add the servers into the table.


  • Edit: This option is used if the user wants to edit an existing server which is already present in the table.



In Vendors, it shows the list of the vendor names.

Figure 49: Vendor
Figure 50: List of Vendors

In Vendors, there are following options which are listed below:

  • Vendor Name: This field shows the name of the vendor who are using the servers.
  • Servers Count: This field shows the total number of servers which are used by the servers.

Note: A user can also perform the following operations in the Vendors Window such as:

  1. Toggle Columns: In this option, the user can enable or disable the column filter.
  2. Column Filter: In this option, the user can search a particular column.
  3. Download: This option is used to download the total servers report in the following formats – CSV, Excel, PDF.
  4. Delete: This option is used to delete a table entry.


In Location, it shows the list of the location of the vendor.

Figure 51: Location
Figure 52: List of Locations

In Location, there are following options which are listed below:

  • Location/City: Shows the list of the location/city of the vendor.
  • State: The list of the state in which the vendors are located.
  • Country: shows the list of the countries in which the vendors are located.
  • Latitude: This field shows the latitude in which the vendors are located.
  • Longitude: This field shows the longitude in which the vendors are located.
  • Country Code: This field shows the country code of the location.
  • Zone: This field shows the zone in which the vendors are located.
  • Servers Count: This field shows the number of servers which are present on a particular location.

Note: A user can also perform the following operations in the Location Window such as:

  1. Toggle Columns: In this option, the user can enable or disable the column filter.
  2. Column Filter: In this option, the user can search a particular column.
  3. Download: This option is used to download the total servers report in the following formats – CSV, Excel, and PDF.
  4. Delete: This option is used to delete a table entry. User can also perform the following operations which are listed below:

ADD NEW: This option is used for adding a new server. If a user clicks on the ADD NEW  button, then the ADD Dialog box will appear as shown below:

Figure 53: Add Dialog Box

In the ADD window, the user has to provide the following details:

  • Country: In this field, the user has to select the name of the country to which the server is to be added.
  • State: In this field, the user has to select the name of the state to which the server is to be added.
  • City: In this field, the user has to select the name of the city to which the server is to be added.
  • Zone: In this field, the user has to select the name of the zone to which the server is to be added.

Note: Once the user has filled up all the fields, the user has to click on the Action  button to add the servers into the table.

  • Edit: This option is used if the user wants to edit an existing server which is already present in the table.


In Teams, it shows the list of the different teams which are using the generators.

Figure 54: Teams
Figure 55: Add Dialog Box

Note: Once the user has filled up all the fields, the user has to click on the Action  button to add the servers into the table.

Figure 56: List of Added Teams

In Teams, there are following options which are listed below:

  • Team: The name of the team which is using the generator.
  • Project: It is the name of the project.
  • Owner: The name of the owner for the particular generator.
  • Generators Count: It is used to show the number of generator used.


Note: A user can also perform the following operations in the Teams Window such as:

  1. Toggle Columns: In this option, the user can enable or disable the column filter.
  2. Column Filter: In this option, the user can search a particular column.
  3. Download: This option is used to download the total servers report in the following formats – CSV, Excel, PDF.
  4. Delete: This option is used to delete a table entry. User can also perform the following operations which are listed below:

ADD NEW: This option is used for adding a new server. If a user clicks on the ADD NEW  button, then the ADD Dialog box will appear as shown below:

Figure 57: ADD Dialog Box

In the ADD dialog box, the user has to provide the following details:

  • Team: The name of the team which is using the generator.
  • Channel: The channel is the sub team name of a team.
  • Owner: The name of the owner for the particular generator.

Note: Once the user has filled up all the fields, the user has to click on the Action  button to add the team name.


In Channel, it shows the list of the teams, projects, owner and generator count.

Figure 58: Channel
Figure 59: Channel Window

In Channel, there are following options which are listed below:

  • Team: The name of the team which is using the generator.
  • Owner: The name of the owner for the particular generator.
  • Project: It is the name of the project.
  • Generators Count: It is used to show the number of generator used.

Note: A user can also perform the following operations in the Channels Window such as:

  1. Toggle Columns: In this option, the user can enable or disable the column filter.
  2. Column Filter: In this option, the user can search a particular column.
  3. Download: This option is used to download the total servers report in the following formats – CSV, Excel, PDF.
  4. Delete: This option is used to delete a table entry. User can also perform the following operations which are listed below:
  • ADD NEW: This option is used for adding a new server. If a user clicks on the ADD NEW button, then the ADD Dialog box will appear as shown below:
Figure 60: ADD Dialog Box

In the ADD dialog box, the user has to provide the following details:

  • Team: The name of the team which is using the generator.
  • Channel: The channel is the sub team name of a team.
  • Owner: The name of the owner of the particular generator.

Note: Once the user has filled up all the fields, the user has to click on the Action  button to add the team name.


In logs, the user can see the blade, allocated and deleted logs details along with the server status.

Figure 61: Logs

In logs, the user can see the information regarding the following:

  • Add Delete Logs
  • Blade Status
  • Allocation Status
  • Server Status

Add Delete Logs

In the Add Delete Logs, the user can see the status for the number of servers that are added or deleted along with the time stamp and comments.

Figure 62: Add Delete Logs Window

In the Add Delete Logs window, the user can see the following information:

  • User: This field is used to show the name of the user.
  • Time Stamp: This field shows the date and time on which the server was add or delete.
  • Comments: This field shows the comments which is provided by the user.


  • A user can also perform the following operations in the Delete Logs Window such as:
  1. Toggle Columns: In this option, the user can enable or disable the column filter.
  2. Column Filter: In this option, the user can search a particular column.
  3. Download: This option is used to download the total servers report in the following formats – CSV, Excel, PDF.
  • A user can also search any pre-existing server’s status by entering the name of the user or by entering the time stamp.

Blade Status

In Blade Status, the user can see the current status of the blade on the server.

Figure 63: Blade Status Window

Allocation Status

In Allocation Status, the user can see the allocation changes in the machine. If any machine is allocated to any team, the status will be shown in the allocation status window.

Figure 64: Allocation Status Window

In the allocation status window, the user can see the following details:

  • User: This field is used to show the name of the user.
  • Time Stamp: This field shows the date and time on which the server was add or delete.
  • Comments: This field shows the comments which is provided by the user.



  • A user can also perform the following operations in the Allocation Status Window such as:
  1. Toggle Columns: In this option, the user can enable or disable the column filter.
  2. Column Filter: In this option, the user can search a particular column.
  3. Download: This option is used to download the total servers report in the following formats – CSV, Excel, PDF.
  • A user can also search any pre-existing server’s status by entering the name of the user or by entering the time stamp.

Server Status

In Server Status, the user can see the details of the CC’s, VP’s and VM’s servers.

Figure 65: CC and VP Server Status Window

In the Server Status Window, the user can see the following details:

  • Server Name: This field shows the name of the server.
  • Server IP: This field shows the IP of the server.
  • Vender: This field shows the name of the vender.
  • Status: This field shows the status of the respective servers i.e.: ON or OFF.
  • Uptime: This field shows the time duration from which the machine is running.
  • Downtime: This field shows the time duration from which the machine was in the OFF
  • Duration: This field shows the total time the machine was in ON



A user can also perform the following operations in the Server Status Window such as:

  1. Toggle Columns: In this option, the user can enable or disable the column filter.
  2. Column Filter: In this option, the user can search a particular column.
  3. Download: This option is used to download the total servers report in the following formats – CSV, Excel, PDF.

A user can also search any pre-existing server’s status by entering the name of the user or by entering the time stamp.